St. Clair County Farm Bureau Foundation
Scholarships are available now! Click the link below to apply. Applications close March 28th.
St. Clair CFB Foundation Scholarships
What Scholarships are available?
There are three scholarship available all through one application.
General Foundation Scholarship - Multiple $1,000 scholarships are awarded in one year. Any high school senior or college student studying agriculture or an agriculture related field who are members of the St. Clair County Farm Bureau or dependents of a member.
Shane Toenjes Scholarship - One scholarship awarded to a high school senior or college student studying agriculture or an agriculture related field who are members of the St. Clair County Farm Bureau or dependents of a member. This is awarded by the SCCFB Young Farmers Committee.
Southwestern Illinois College Scholarship - One scholarship awarded to a high school senior or college student studying agriculture or an agriculture related field at Southwestern Illinois College who are members of the St. Clair County Farm Bureau or dependents of a member.
When are applications due?
March 28, 2025
Can I receive the scholarship two years in a row?
Preference is given to those who did not receive a scholarship last year. A student could get the scholarship in 2023 and 2025 though.
Who do I contact for more questions?
Reach out to our office or email mail@stclairfb.org.