Get Involved!

  • Teachers

    Are you a third grade teacher in the County?

    Reach out to Lexi to set up a lesson visit to your classroom & be enrolled in our newsletter! Lexi:

    All teachers: Looking for resources? Checkout the website or reach out to Lexi! You can also get involved through our events & teacher workshops! Stay tuned under the “Events” tab!

  • Students

    Are you a teen in St. Clair County? Checkout our Teens as Teachers program! In partnership with St. Clair County 4-H, this opportunity to teach youth about agriculture & network with other teens is available to 14-18 year olds. Reach out to Lexi for more info!

  • Community Members

    Passionate about Ag in the Classroom’s mission & want to be involved? Here are two main ways to do so!

    Occasionally we are looking for volunteers to help with delivering supplies, events & various lessons. Reach out to Lexi to be placed on the contact list!

    We also have fundraisers that support AITC. Checkout upcoming ones under the “Events” tab and consider attending!